Frequently we find ourselves lost in thoughts and losing track of time and peace of mind over them. Either we create our future or replay our past in those moments. I like to call it ‘the swing of memories’, you go back to the past and forth to the future.
What ifs are the major components of these thoughts when we are thinking about our past or future. What if I would have done this? Would the situation have been different? Or what if I do this? Will the situation be in my favor then? Our rational intelligent self knows that there are things that we cannot change about our pasts and we cannot control everything in our future. But that doesn’t stop us from wandering in the memory lane.
Nowadays, because of our lifestyle, we have all become very busy. We all need to ask one question to ourselves. How often have we paid attention to what we are doing? For example, if you are painting then instead of thinking about what you will talk about in the interview or how will you apply for the job, you focus upon the combination of colors, the brush strokes, texture of the paint, etc. often we are so engrossed in multitasking that we forget to pay our complete attention to at least one thing and enjoy it in the present moment.
Choose your present over the past or future!
We are so concerned about our past or future that we forget to live in the present. It’s like that one vacation, where we had planned to visit so many places that we ended up rushing. We could not remember at least one place in detail, because we didn’t stop and pay attention to it without worrying about reaching the other on time. Likewise, we’re planning to do so many things and we’re thinking so much that we fail to dive in the essence of any of it. We all need to slow down. Enjoy the moment you currently are living. Observe the events that are taking place around you. Learn from the present.
The one thing that we usually forget is, we are the most powerful in our present. Why? Our present affects our future and creates our past. We can make changes in our present. Living in the present allows us to build a whole heritage of what we will be in the future. It means being aware of all your actions and your surroundings. It helps us anchor ourselves to the responsibilities and aspirations that are going to shape us.
The “psychologically technical” term for ‘being present’ is being ‘Mindful’. You are either focusing your attention on your thoughts or your surroundings. Being present or being mindful gives one access to a very powerful state of mind. To access the present moment, all five senses are used. Mindfulness also helps us to pay attention to our emotions and thoughts. We often don’t get time to analyze what exactly we are feeling or what our thoughts mean. And it all piles up like our clothes in the cupboard.
“Aane Wala Pal Jaane Wala Hai
Ho Sake To Isme Zindagi Bitado
Pal Ye Bhi Jane Wala Hai”
These lines by Gulzar constantly remind us that the present is transient. The moment that you are enjoying currently is soon going to pass since it is impermanent. The chance to enjoy and live it is now, not in the future or in the past. It changes quickly and soon the moment that was once present quickly becomes your past. Time flies by very fast and therefore it is important to take a deep breath and focus on your “now”. Every moment doesn’t have to be perfect in life. It is perfect and beautiful the way it is. Constantly worrying about what has happened or will happen mostly keeps us from enjoying the moments of joy and surprises in our present. Therefore, we need to stop swinging so frequently. Once in a while, it is okay to play on the memory swing but too much indulgence might result in nausea.
How to be in the present?
- You can start by sitting ideally in a meditative position for a few minutes initially.
- Try to relax your body.
- Pay attention to your breathing and sensations in different body parts.
- If the thoughts occur, do not force them to stop. Observe them without judgment. Let them pass. Confront what is bothering you rather than running away from it.
- Try to bring yourself back and focus on your breathing.
- Stop worrying about your performance in the future or what you have done in the past.
- While indulging in a hobby, try to find flow in it. lose the track of time and give all of you to the activity.
There are also a few side-benefits of being present:
- When you stop and pay attention to your emotions, it is easy to understand them. It is easy to figure out what you are feeling and why you are feeling.
- By paying your complete attention to the task at hand, you automatically become efficient at it and deliver your best.
- You become organized and the deadlines and time limits and not stress anymore.
- When one is mindful of the things they are doing, they tend to do it more wisely and smartly.
- One can master a skill or hobby they like since they are paying their complete attention to it.
- Being mindful also helps a person to control their cravings. If one feels like drinking alcohol, they can pay attention to the craving and win over it instead of avoiding it.
- Practicing mindfulness also helps in increasing concentration levels. One can pay attention for a longer period.
- Eventually, it also helps one to accept themselves and be at peace.
- It also improves listening skills, memory skills, and attention to detail.
- Being in the present with and for your loved ones improves interpersonal relationships. One can figure out the conflicts or differences and then talk about it to resolve them effectively.
To avail all these benefits we all need to be present in the class of life!
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