How do I create an account on WEQIP?
Click ‘Signup’ on WEQIP’s home page. Once the registration page opens, login with Google or any other email which you regularly use.
What happens if I lose my password?
Click on ‘Lost Password’ on the Login page. A password reset link be emailed to your registered email id.
How do I write a blog post on WEQIP?
Once, you log in to the site with your email or social media login, click on ‘New Article’. Add Post Title, select Category, type or copy-paste the post from your document processing application (e.g. Word). You can add an appropriate Excerpt, a Featured Image and relevant Tags as well.
Can I change my WEQIP display name?
Go to Edit Account page and the required changes can be made there.
I’ve contributed an article, but it is showing as ‘pending’?
We try and approve the posts within 24-48 hours of submission. If there are posts which are related to special days/ events, we may calendar them to be published at an appropriate time.
What does WEQIP do with my personal information?
WEQIP does not share your information with any of the third parties. The email shared will be used only to share WEQIP related updates from time to time.
With whom does the copyright of the article lie?
Copyright of all the submissions (article/ photo essay/ artwork/ poetry etc.) lie with the individual contributors, unless otherwise discussed over an email. Under any circumstances, plagiarized content should not be submitted to WEQIP. WEQIP is not liable for any consequences in case of any such events.