When we think about rapes, harassments, and female infanticides we often feel outraged, sad, distressing-  RIGHT?

But have you ever heard INFIBULATION???

Infibulation is a term that many of us might not be aware of. It is an act cum ritual where women clitoris and labia is excised completely by stitching the vulva to prevent any kind of sexual activity before marriage. This ritual is mainly practised in Northeastern Africa, particularly in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan. They stitch the whole genital part leaving a small hole to pass urine and menstrual blood. Legs are tied together for four to five weeks until the wound heal.

Imagine how this awful action is taken as a glorifying ritual by some people. The most upsetting thing is that they don’t feel pity for those Girl Children who became the victim of such a dreadful act.


They believe that the husbands have the only authority to unstitch their wife’s vagina on their wedding night. Imagine how much pain a girl feels when someone unstitches their genitals after a long time and started intercourse with her.
Will you able to visualize the pain?


The most shameful thing is such kind of act mostly done to women by women in North Africa. They do not have any single idea about the side effects of this of INFIBULATION. According to the World Health Organization(WHO), these are some health risks of Female Genital Mutilation [FGM].

Starting from, Severe pain – Cutting the sensitive genital tissues and nerve ends can cause severe pain.

Excessive bleeding (haemorrhage) – Cutting the clitoral artery and other blood vessels lead to this.

Shock – Pain, Infection, Bleeding/haemorrhage induce extreme shock.

Genital tissue swelling – The inflammation in genital tissue can occur due to local infection.

Infections – Using of contaminated instruments (e.g. use of same instruments in multiple genital mutilation operations) can spread lots of genital infections even during the healing period.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- The direct association between FGM and HIV remains unconfirmed, although the cutting of genital tissues with the same surgical instrument without sterilization could increase the risk for transmission of HIV between girls who undergo female genital mutilation together

Urination problems-  Urinary retention and pain passing urine can be a common problem. This may be due to tissue swelling, pain or injury to the urethra.

Impaired wound healing-  It can lead to pain, infections and abnormal scarring.

Death – Death can also be a result of numerous infections, including tetanus, as well as haemorrhage that can lead to shock.

Mental health problems – Women might suffer from psychological problems because of the pain, shock and the use of physical force during the event, as well as a sense of betrayal when family members condone and/or organize the practice. These are the reasons why many women describe FGM as a traumatic event.


Long-term health risks are occurring at any time during life.

Pain –  Unprotected nerve endings result in damaging and scarring of tissues which causes extreme pain


Chronic genital infections-  It leads to consequent chronic pain, and vaginal discharge and itching. Cysts, abscesses and genital ulcers may also appear.

Chronic reproductive tract infections- It may cause chronic back and pelvic pain.

Urinary tract infections- Such infections directly affect the kidneys resulting in renal failure, septicaemia and death. The statistics say that the girls and adult women who have gone through FGM have an increased risk of repeated urinary tract infections.

Painful urination – Due to the blockage of the urethra and repetitive urinary tract infections.

Vaginal problems – Discharge, itching, bacterial vaginosis and other infections.

Menstrual problems – Blockage in the vaginal opening may lead to painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), irregular menses and difficulty in passing menstrual blood, particularly among women with Type III FGM.

Excessive scar tissue (keloids) – Cutting of tissue can form an excessive scar at the site.

HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) –  Given that the transmission of HIV is facilitated through the trauma of the vaginal epithelium which allows the direct introduction of the virus, it is reasonable to presume that the risk of HIV transmission may be increased due to increased risk of bleeding during intercourse, as a result of FGM.

Sexual health problems – Female Genital Mutilation damages anatomic structures that are directly involved in female sexual function, and can therefore also affect women’s sexual health and well-being. Removal of, or damage to, highly sensitive genital tissue, especially the clitoris, may affect sexual sensitivity and lead to sexual problems, such as decreased sexual desire and pleasure, pain during sex, difficulty during penetration, decreased lubrication during intercourse, and reduced frequency or absence of orgasm (anorgasmia). Scar formation, pain and traumatic memories associated with the procedure can also lead to such problems.

Childbirth complications (obstetric complications) – FGM is associated with an increased risk of caesarean section, postpartum haemorrhage, recourse to episiotomy, difficult labour, obstetric tears/lacerations, instrumental delivery, prolonged labour, and extended maternal hospital stay. The risks increase with the severity of FGM.

Obstetric fistula – A direct association between FGM and obstetric fistula has not been established. However, given the causal relationship between prolonged and obstructed labour and fistula, and the fact that FGM is also associated with prolonged and obstructed labour, it is reasonable to presume that both conditions could be linked in women living with FGM.

Perinatal risks – Obstetric complications can result in a higher incidence of infant resuscitation at delivery and intrapartum stillbirth and neonatal death.

Mental health problems – Studies have shown that girls and women who have undergone FGM are more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, depression and somatic (physical) complaints (e.g. aches and pains) with no organic cause.


Things that we feel so bad to hear about, think all these things have been faced by them. We can not even able to imagine this. If losing virginity is a sin, then interfering with someone genital parts without their consent is the most sinful. Isn’t it better to allow her to decide whether she wants to marry as a virgin or not?  Please stop this kind of malpractices. Girls are not meant for this. Don’t give them punishment to born as a girl. This kind of action should be abandoned.



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    Comments to: Mental And Physical Health Risks of Female Genital Mutilation
    • June 30, 2020

      Beautiful words and thought behind it in this little age you are so above the cruel world i promise you are going to he best doctor one day keep it up rubina
      Lots of love❣️

      • July 15, 2020

        I cannot express my appreciation. I will be forever grateful.
        You are such a dear person ?

    • June 30, 2020

      Appreciable Rubina you are growing day by day with you thoughts i promise you are going to be great doctor one day keep it up, lots of love and pray for you thankyou for sharing your thoughts❣️?

      • June 30, 2020

        Your Time and Love for this post, both are appreciable.
        Thanksgiving ?

    • July 1, 2020


      • July 15, 2020

        Thank you! You have my gratitude?

    • July 1, 2020

      Really great work Rubina? ,you thought are just amazing ,they made me realize about the truth and this cruel world .wonderfull work,keep it up.eagerly waiting for your next artical ♥️.

      • July 15, 2020

        How thoughtful of you! Your warm & sweet response has made my day
        Please accept my deepest thanks

    • July 1, 2020

      Its really fabulous ♥️

      • July 15, 2020

        Please accept my endless gratitude ?

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