Humour – The best ingredient to spice up one’s life!
Humour is a trait that is enjoyed by every individual. It is an essential life skill that is needed by everyone. It creates a positive environment and binds people. When one is armoured with humour, the toughest situations can be dealt with ease. In this face-paced lifestyle, everything seems to be competitive and stressful that we tend to forget the importance of laughter. As it’s said, ‘Laughter is the best medicine!’. Thus, we are going to keep things on the lighter side of life today and refresh the importance of laughter and how life can seem more enjoyable with a good sense of humour.
When our life is doomed into darkness, humour acts as a ray of light in it. It acts as a catalyst to our smiles. It eliminates darkness and shines our lives with brightness. It has the power to put us to glory and lighten up our mood. It allows us to keep calm even in dire circumstances. When one is facing stress or is caught up in tension, humour acts as a magic wand and gets us out of the stressful situation. It also helps us keep things in perspective and enables one to have an optimistic outlook. In other words, humour is a knight in shining armour and has the ability to make worse situations bearable!
Humour has physical, mental and social benefits. It boosts one’s immunity and prevents diseases. It aids in relaxation of one’s body. It may even cause one to live longer!
Further, it helps in strengthening one’s resilience and adds zest and joy to a person’s life. It also helps in enlightening one’s mood and easing tension and anxiety. When one is laughing, they don’t feel angry or sad, thus, it blocks distressing emotions. It makes criticism seem more palatable. It enables one to convey difficult things in a lighter manner.
Just like it’s said, often a joke can tell a hard truth. In terms of its social benefits, humour is known to bring people together and improve relationships. One of the most effective tools that keep a relationship fun and exciting, is shared humour. When you share a laugh, you tend to feel more positive and relaxed. Sharing laugher also enhances vitality, joy and resilience in one’s life. Humour also promotes group bonding. It fosters an emotional connection and triggers positive feelings. It is also an effective way to heal resentments. The ability to laugh also increases productivity and aids in unleashing one’s creativity. When life brings challenges and you take yourself too seriously, it hampers your ability to find new solutions and think out of the box.
If one lacks humour in their life, grief becomes harder to overcome, hardships become tougher to handle and stress seems to be never ending. Thus, a touch of humour is necessary to help us reload our miserable life. Once exposed to the opportunity of seeing things through a humorous lens, one discovers that life is not that bad!
For all those who feel that they have forgotten how to laugh, good news is that humour can be practiced! Humour does not necessarily have to be a roaring laugh; it could also be a smile that is sufficient to cheer up one’s bad day.
Further, one should keep in mind that context is important. A joke that may be considered funny or amusing in one situation might be considered offensive and wildly inappropriate in another circumstance. A good sense of humour is one that is not offensive or hurtful but is pleasantly fun to everyone.
Consider the occasion, whether the location and time is appropriate for the joke. Observe the audience to know who may be offended by your jokes. One should be mindful of cracking jokes that may come across as racist or sexist. If you feel that your joke might offend someone, then it is better that you do not say it. If someone is offended, that does not indicate that they are humourless. Thus, don’t be hesitant to apologise if you think you were wrong. Remember, humour should be gentle and not wounding.
So, how does one incorporate laugher in their life?
Smile. It is contagious. It is attractive and it is the beginning of laughter. Practice smiling, when you see your parents, a friend, a colleague or anyone. Smiling can trick your brain into happiness. Also, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Thus, don’t be hesitant and show those curves on your face!
Spend time with playful individuals. Their laughter is contagious, and this would help in boosting your happiness, lessening grief and reducing stress. Further, you would feel energised and motivated while performing a task. Thus, surround yourself with fun and positive people as this would provide you with multiple opportunities to be happier.
Remember to count your blessings. Create a list of good things that happen to you. This would allow you to have a positive outlook in life and it will distance you from all the negativity that tend to block your laughter and humour. Further, counting your blessings would allow you to enjoy simple pleasures.
Make laughing a habit. Think of it as an exercise and take out at least 10-15 minutes per day to do something that amuses you or make a conscious effort to search for something that would bring out your laughter. The more you get used to laughing, the less of an exercise it would seem to be.
The more one tends to embrace humour, the more enjoyable one’s life is. Of course, this doesn’t imply that one needs to be a comedian, rather, it simply means that one should take a moment and enjoy life! The journey of life should be relished, irrespective of all the stress and tension around us. Thus, spice and cheer up each other’s lives with a pinch of humour! Try looking at the funny side of life, the worst-case would be that you would just laugh a little more!
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