We somewhere know that love is the purest feeling of the world right! And is present in us, from the moment we came the first breath, it is within all of us!
Love makes you free, makes you unique, makes you happy and helps you to get through the life , make you think positive and feel so!
But this generation is facing all that is opposite of love. Hate, betrayal, disappointments, resentment .People are more occupied in challenges, distractions, hopelessness. They feel alone, depressed and think that world is not the better place to live!
Why do you think? What is the reason for such negativity within people? It is lack of love! Yes! The love they lack for themselves and ultimately they lack it for others! It’s a simple equation.
Why they lack such a pure and important feeling? Because they search it out, outside of them. They look for other person who can show them respect, love them , and treat them the way they want i.e, they expect love from the outer world! And sadly they will always fail in this search! There is no love outside of you, no respect outside of you! Nothing you crave is outside of you! And that’s the bittersweet truth I guess. You know why because it’s within! The love you crave is within you, the respect you want, show it to yourself, the care you want show it to yourself! All that you want and wish give it to your self first!
According to Neville Goddard (1905-1972) “new thought author” ~°nothing comes from without. All things come from within.°
Ever thought how you are treating yourself?! What you are saying to yourself?! How you make yourself feel and do?! Ever wondered why you suffer the pain and why it’s so heavy in the belly?! It’s because you blame yourself more than love. You criticise yourself more than you give in love. You always search for the light outside, but the fact is that it is present within you!
I know situation, circumstances cause us to worry, be disturbed, there can be times when you are wrong, you feel alone, but you always has a choice! You have to be with you. To correct the things through you! How you can do that?
Here are some tips which can help you to get closer to your self:
1. Affirmation: The first thing you do when you wake up is to show yourself the love through the words!
“I love me”
“I accept me the way I am”
“I am all God has created me to be“
“Day by day in every way I am getting better and better”
” I spread love and happiness in the life of others”
“My heart is pure and gentle”
And many more , whatsoever suits you and whatever you like! But remember to say the words of pure and higher meanings.
2. Positive self talk: We spend too much time talking to friend, family, and others but how much we talk with ourselves? How much time we listen to our own thoughts and say what we are feeling? Here take at least 10 minutes of your day and sit I silence. Close your eyes if possible and praise yourself for everything you accomplished you thought you can’t. Give yourself the positive vibration, show your soul some belief and make him/her feel comfortable, count your qualities, praise your intelligence, know that you can do everything you set your mind to ! You are a wonderful being!
3. Happy picture of you where you spend more time: Paste / pin your picture in which you are laughing, you look happy with real smile. And do it in the area where you spend your most time-your desk/ kitchen/ study area/ anywhere and when you sit there look at the image and feel the same happiness again and again every time. Observe how beautiful you are in that picture and you can look like that always just have to laugh and giggle through the day!
4. Self care: We all know self-care but many of us don’t practice it! Isn’t it? Don’t eat that food if you don’t want, say no if you want to, cancel the party if you are feeling unwell, dance to your favourite song, meet people with smile, hug yourself daily, make your bed , take selfies, do make-up and shop online! Do whatever makes you happy and feel along while doing it ! The best way to feel good and optimistic!
5. 5-minute-date: Have a date with yourself at least twice a week. Make your favourite food, arrange the table, wear the dress, do the makeup and sit with yourself. Enjoy your own company, have a time in silence and write yourself the love notes and place them in different locations , when you will find them after sometime you will feel happy. Be there for you! You want yourself first!
As the famous book “Tuesdays with Morry” stated: “The only reason we are here in this world is to learn how to love and let it in”.
P.S: You are precious to the people who love you just give them more and start by giving it to you first. You are doing great and universe is proud of you.
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