“There are no problems in life, there are just situation.”- “Sadguru”

Sadguru in one of his video lectures narrated a beautiful story about life possibilities.

There was a little bird in Michigan, United States. Winter was round the corner, and he had to move to the south to warmer climes. Chirping and tweeting around, he delayed his flight south. With the weather getting worse, his wings froze, and he could no longer fly. Some time later, a cow was passing by and its droppings landed straight on the bird. With the warmth of the dung, the bird recovered and with joy started tweeting. A hungry cat was passing by, heard the tweet, opened the dung, and ate the bird.

Moral of the story: “Not everyone who heaps shit on you are your enemies, and not everyone who gets you out of shit are your friends.”

So how is this story even minutely related to life possibilities? Just like during uncertain times, we fail to understand the nature of companionships, similarly we often confuse ourselves regarding what might be a possibility by tagging it as a problem. Whenever we find difficulty in coping with a situation, we consider it to be a problem. By labelling any situation as a problem, we instantly taper off our ability to be optimistic and instead fall into a dark pit. It is very certain for all of us to habituate an outlook that failure, hard times, ups and downs are part of being human. We all are work in progress, stumbling yet learning and growing. No one is born perfect. Yes, we should strive for excellence but without beating ourselves up, instead enjoying the journey. A part of life is definitely about taking risks and putting yourself out there. Instead of just watching life pass by, with finding hope in every situation, we enable ourselves to be more grateful, draw numerous insights and be inspired.

What personally helped me to go through hard times, is to consider the bigger picture and not think about instant gratification. To acknowledge my hurt, but at the same time question myself, how can I look at this experience differently? What lessons do I need to learn from this? What am I grateful for right now, even though things may seem to be going against me?

Few years down the line if I look back at this situation, how do I want to remember it?

What am I giving my attention to?

This might help us gain new perspective or get us beyond feeling stuck in life. Adapting a mindset where we equip ourselves in such a way that no matter what life throws at us, we can turn it into a wonderful possibility. A possibility to evolve, to have a better understanding of life.  To be more accountable and vigilant of our experiences, so that we don’t fall into the trap of victim mindset. We are all capable of exercising this powerful choice by being mindful of how to shape ourselves from these experiences.

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