One day I sat with the vacant mind

And peeped into my brain.

I thought, my many thought I’ll bind

And put them on a train.

Unfulfilled vows, unspoken words,

A nasty job put off;

“Tomorrow”, screamed the lazy mind,

“Today is not enough!”

I tried tomorrow and the next

To transcend Time, but all in vain!

My mind had found a new pretext,

Just another day to gain.

So, the letter I intended write,

The unsewn tear, unsorted files,

Chores assigned and unfair Fate –

And on the jobs began to pile . . .

Until a dear departed soul,

Rang out a message bold and clear –

“Gather your wits towards your Goal,

The best ever time is now and here.”

The only Time you have is Now,

Each moment in the instant Present,

To all your tasks you must endow

The best efforts for thoughts well-meant.

Live every day as it were your last,

For time and tide await no one,

Each night account no unfinished task –

Sometimes, tomorrow never comes.

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