We live in a capitalistic economy where the center point of our economic actions is to earn money and make a profit. That is alright, but we have taken our capitalistic way of being to relationships too. That’s where the issue is, in my opinion.

Our relationships with others have become transactional and we dwell in those where we expect to earn a return by either having the last say or an upper hand. Our capitalist way of being has created boundaries with people who matter to us and has also impacted growing distrust in society, escalating stress levels, and living unfulfilled lives.

We’ve taken the statement “Invest in relationships” quite literally.

There are 7.2 billion people living in the world, yet how many can you really call your own? Just to scratch the surface, ask yourself: how many people do you really have that you can count upon, unwind with, or lose yourself to? With how many people can you bare your true identity and be your authentic self?

If you have at least one or more such relationships, consider yourself lucky and hold on to it; else build your tribe where you belong; where you can be yourself or be nothing at all.

Here is why connecting with people and building relationships should not be looked at through the lens of investment but as a means to living a wholesome and gratifying life.

1. People contribute to longevity

People, your community, your tribe has the power to give you a long and happy life. There are lessons we can learn from people and communities with long lifespans. Dan Buettner has identified 5 Blue Zones across the world where people live much longer than average. In Okinawa alone, the average lifespan is 83.7 years against the world average of 71 years.

One of the outstanding characteristics of people living in the Blue Zones is the strong sense of community and social bonding. People in these regions support each other emotionally, financially, and celebrate each day together.

In the book ‘Ikigai’ authored by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, a few centenarians have been interviewed. The most common answer to the secret to longevity as revealed by the longest living people is:

“Togetherness, putting family first, spending time with friends, talking each day with the people you love.”

2. People give courage

We’ve been conditioned to think that to tread the difficult path or overcome a difficult situation one must generate courage within oneself. We may not realize, but courage is a factor, that comes from the circle of people we build around us.

Continuous support and faith from people we surround ourselves with not just gives a reason to pursue our purpose in life but also weather any storm.

They are the ones who inspire our aspirations.

Despite having all the means, if you still find it difficult to take action, know that you can draw courage from your people, and jump into action.

I clearly remember when I wanted to begin writing and was extremely anxious about the outcome, my mother filled me up with some simple wise words “To reap the fruit, you first have to sow the seed.” A simple gesture can have a life long impact.

When you experience grace in any relationship, then courage and grit will not be far behind to take unimaginable actions.

“Good people bring out the good in people.”

3. People give strength and motivation

It’s easy to pursue taking actions in light of favorable results but becomes challenging when results don’t match the efforts. When all is hunky-dory even the frail will continue. It is in times of hardship that we may lose hope and be at the edge of giving up.

The right people will always stand for us when we give up on ourselves. Their faith and belief give the strength and motivation to perform in the most trying times.

“Surround yourself with people who see your value and remind you of it.”

4. People help heal

Daily stress, anxiety have become rather common and come as a part and parcel of our current way of living. While looking inward can certainly bring the stress levels down, however, may not be so handy especially at clenching times.

A glance at the suicide statistics as provided by WHO, according to which close to 800,000 people commit suicide every year, looking inside may not be the answer always. In such extreme cases where the person considers committing suicide, looking inward is a long shot; however, human touch can be exceptionally helpful.

People have the power to heal wounds.

A warm hug, a soft touch, and a listening ear can be magical and calm down a stressed mind. Sometimes, one just wants to be heard, and having the people around who lend an ear without getting judgmental or becoming advisory, may prove to be the best stress buster. These are the relationships you want to hold on to that will heal you inside out.

“Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts.”

5. People bring joy

People come and go, but what they leave behind are the memories; memories to cherish for a lifetime. Keep filling up yourself with timeless treasures to cherish, to feel happy about, because when no one is around, you can reflect on those memories and have a good laugh or tears of joy.

Who said only physical presence can make a difference to your being; memories packed away in corners of your mind have the power to change your perspective and transform your loneliness into a special ‘me time’ worth spending alone.

Take pictures, write and receive letters, and fill up your memory box with what you would want to reflect back on in your alone time.

“Life is too short to be serious.”

While we are living in a fast-paced world, let us slow down to enjoy the grace that every relationship brings and create our cozy corners with people where we can be celebratory, exuberant, and vulnerable all at the same time.

We have all emerged from the same energy source and will go back to the same. We are conjoined to each other through invisible strings. Human connection is a gift that we have all been endowed with.

people holding shoulders sitting on wall

Let us nourish and nurture our relationships that mother nature has created and realized that people are the very essence of our life, they are the ones who give us the meaning to live, give us our identity and are the reason for our happiness.

If humans are capitalist by nature, then in relationships let’s be greedy to find grace, compassion, love, joy, and happiness.


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