Your knuckles rap against the door,

The sound encompassing the hallway,

You shift your weight on the floor,

As you wait for a chance to slip away.

The door opens about 3 inches wide,

A face peeking out of the little strip,

There’s a bright light shining on the inside,

All you want almost in your grip.

Your mouth forms words on its own,

Asking for entry into the cosmos in,

She nods before closing the door, leaving you alone,

The terror dancing in harmony with your chagrin.

She only unlocks the chain holding you out,

Before opening the door as wide as it can go,

The warm light dispelling all of your doubt,

The threshold as if flirting with your toe.

You step inside with a big smile erasing your frown,

A thought aligns like a syzygy in your mind’s terrain,

Opportunities might start with a turning down,

You just have to wait for them to unlock the chain…


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