At some point in life, we all experience self-doubt. I have come across a good number of super-talented and people with a lot of potential who aren’t selling themselves. They fear not owning what it takes to be successful.
I speculate that self-doubt held them and their skills weren’t put to use. It has been really tough for me as well. I ran down a memory lane and thought of times when I was really good at something. I ran through the lives of others and thought, “What strategies do they have for a better life?” I looked for reassurance many times in a day. I felt excited at times that I can take on anything and everything. I didn’t feel like dressing up because I felt ain’t doing much. I messed up at times and felt what will people say? The feeling of inadequacy does make life seem difficult and leaves us in a void.
But, we ain’t forget, “Reverse of self-doubt is self-love”. One needs to break that barrier of becoming perfect. Resistance is normal. Perfection is a limitless journey. Others may tell us “Hey, You are always out of synch.” We shouldn’t let that burden us. The fear of self-doubt keeps us away from taking small steps. I reclaimed my life by leading with baby steps.
Vincent William Van Gogh, a Dutch painter, once quoted, “If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” It carried me away. I realized that my limiting beliefs had to be put to rest.
In 2019, I had thought about coming up with a mental health and wellness platform called TheBloom. But, I was continuously getting consumed with doubt “Can I create mental health awareness with my writing?” I stepped through my doubts by creating a daily writing post for TheBloom. My commitment to smaller actions created a real shift in amplifying my confidence levels and in weakening my doubts. I started loving this journey and myself. Doing so helped me believe that each one of us must strengthen our grit despite our big doubts. The Mantra is to “Do-it to do away with doubt”. I
feel that we always have our tribe who bring out the best in us. Don’t disengage from support systems when feeling low. Their best wishes are the biggest source of motivation. I had my loving tribe too with positivity in abundance for me to start. Lest we forget the power of words. Doubts can be dealt with words that we use. Within us all, words can encourage, support, and coach. How about saying “I am learning to become good at it” instead “I am not good at it”.
I did so because I wanted to blossom again and bring happiness to my life. Not only this but to spread beauty and inspiration for everyone to flourish.
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