Self-esteem is one’s lifesaver, isn’t it? It is extremely predominant in one’s success and one’s happiness in life. It is very powerful and can ruin people’s lives and turn them vulnerable if proper care is not taken to save it. 

Self-esteem is beyond the price and it is not something materialistic to show up when wealth exists. It is the same for a well-built man and a destitute.  A poor man can create wonders with healthy self-esteem and a tycoon can lead himself into the darkness with poor self-esteem. So do not dare to overlook the concept of self-esteem, it is not a piece of cake. 

What Is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem is a precious psychological resource for every individual. It is having confidence and belief in one’s own values, work, opinion, and decisions. It evolves great achievements, healthy relationships, good health, and a blissful ecstatic life. Self-esteem is a positive and optimistic factor in your life.

Why Is Self-Esteem Important?

Self-respect, self-confidence, and self-love fall under self-esteem. Everything just revolves around your self-esteem, so once you lose your self-esteem everything leaves you without letting you know. It is not a good gesture, right? Yes, it is clearly not, so it would be amazing to secure it right now. 

When you look around, there will be a good deal of factors peeping into your life to disturb your self-esteem, you noticing them is the task. 

Protecting your self-esteem is important because it can effortlessly dominate your life, by drowning you in every point of your life. It can range from your choice in clothes to career choices which are often referred to as turning points in your life. 

People are so keen on removing toxic people from their life because they think those toxic persons might have a negative and pessimistic impact on their life. I am sad that they are unable to recognize that their own self might be of a bad influence. Be conscious and introspect. Improving the standards of your self-esteem is far more fundamental than removing toxic people in your life.

Poor vs Healthy Self-Esteem:
  • Poor self-esteem is not a fair guest under your roof. It deceives you by jeopardising your optimism and seizing all the first-class opportunities coming in your way. It will make you feel unworthy, undeserved, unfit, flawed, etc. You frequently doubt your own self, thinking your decisions and opinions might be wrong and confidence simultaneously walks out of your vicinity. Positive feedback for your work is not enough to cheer you up. You can neither accept it nor believe it. 
  • When healthy self-esteem is your asset, resilience, perseverance, and diligence will cling on to you. No need for an expert’s advice or therapies your self-esteem will pitch in throughout. A task took will be completed diligently. It cannot be trembled by any kind of meddling. A decision took will not look back again, you will be clear and assertive about your opinions, and decisions. Failures, bullies, or tough times can never shiver you. It will make you mentally strong. 
What Impacts Healthy Self-Esteem?
  • Childhood is exceedingly important in every individual’s life. Well! This is complicated and silly but one has to try and protect their kids’ self-esteem right from then. It does not involve great efforts as we revert back to a saying called “little things do matter”. Encourage him/her in every way you can, if he/she does something wrong don’t scold them in public because it definitely decreases their self-esteem and increases inferiority. Make them understand in a nice way. Praise your kids for their small achievements, let it be learning alphabets, or bringing your phone to you, but encourage and admire them for what they did. Trust me it really lends a greater hand in improving your kids’self-esteem. Do not highlight the faults in your kid, instead show them a way to improve. 
  • Body image and body weight are also a part of the influencers group. When your body weight is increasing and if you do not like your body image self-esteem will get affected. Insecurity takes place and you don’t feel like going into crowds anymore. If changes take place in your appearance, self-esteem goes down gradually.
  • If there is any illness, injury, or disability troubling your life then self-esteem is sure to be overblown. Disability from childhood will have less effect than a sudden disability in the middle. People with disabilities often tend to compare themselves with others who are not disabled and feel awful. A sudden illness can also lower their mental standards. Illnesses that hinder them doing their daily routines and works will be more menacing.
  • Financial status is one of the elements bothering your self-esteem. Well! This cannot disturb everyone but exists though. When you cannot afford to buy something which your friends, neighbours, or relatives can buy with ease your sorrow elevates. When you start counting your financial status in, you cannot think of any other when you are with others, you keep comparing which leaves you with great dissatisfaction. You will end up thinking you are fit for nothing, and flawed in every point of your life.
  • Failures and drawbacks also play a key role. If one follows a saying called “Failures are a stepping stone to success” then they definitely are on the right track of life. But unfortunately, some immerse themselves in depression and helplessness. There is no failure in life where you can’t get over even though you are stuck in between the devil and the deep blue sea, there will be probably a way out. When failure hits them, their confidence will also experience the strike and will lose its strength little by little.
  • The way people at your school, college, and workplace treat you can also contribute. When people gang up and make fun of you by mentioning your imperfections. Some do it in a normal way, but some freaks do it with heavy intensity as if they have some grudge. This action might make the victims feel very low. They feel avoided and left and they assume that they are not worthy of anything.

These are a few factors disrupting your peaceful self-esteem, they vary for every individual. Introspection and boldness are required to stop them from entering your life. Pessimism can enter easily and optimism can be knocked down easily by vice versa is unfeasible. So try to protect it because reconstructing it is a never-ending process. 

Improving Self-Esteem:
  1. Recognize your talents and skills and polish them
  2. Take a decision and never think of the consequences
  3. Surround yourself with positive people
  4. Learn to move on
  5. Remember that no individual is perfect
  6. Celebrate every achievement
  7. Set achievable goals
  8. Stand strong in your opinion
  9. Don’t let others influence you and identify the bad influence
  10. Forget your past

Poor self-esteem can also swamp people in bad habits such as alcohol and drugs. These will turn land you in the world of addiction slowly but surely. Low self-esteem is likely to develop mental troubles like depression, anxiety, and stress. 

When your self-esteem is broken, your mental health is at stake. So be serious in dealing with issues do not let anything reach your self-esteem.

Your self-esteem is a magnificent boon and it is undeniably irreplaceable 


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