Deeper the roots, stronger the tree.
Similarly, the mental health problems in adults are not only due to what’s in the environment right now, but it has taken roots from the childhood.
The family environment, parenting; all play a very important role in adulthood .The tree grows as its been nurtured. If someone has anger issues, anxiety issues, and any other mental health problems, it is not really necessary that only present circumstances are the cause. The cause could be deeply rooted.
The person who is showing attention seeking behavior, may have been left ignored during childhood. The person who is aggressive, may have been sabotaged and wasn’t heard during childhood and he/she develops aggression to be only being listened. Psychoanalysis is very important to understand what person has gone through.
We often develop some habits, behaviors unconsciously and don’t really know why do we react in a particular situation in a particular way. Sometimes its environment but many times it’s about what is deep rooted inside us that causes this behaviour. People have different personalities and different behaviours; children of same parents show different behaviour and react differently in same situation. The reason lies deeply on fact how was once childhood .
A child who has been sexually/ emotionally or physically abused during childhood, may develop hatred for the gender by whom he/she was abused or may develop hatred for particular character, may develop intense emotions for the same sex; may develop hatred for sex; may develop hatred for marriage; may develop hatred for optimism, may develop trauma whole life and can be impulsive to situations. The child who has been compared with others may develop attention seeking behaviour in adulthood. We all are the fruits how our tree has been reaped.
But all these behaviours happen unconsciously; we need to self-analyze and bring it into our conciousness to live a better life; to work on our behaviours; to work on ourselves.
We always have a scope to be better in life; to work on our insecurities; to work on our mental health issues.
There is always a way.
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