today she is radiant

later she is morose

now she pushes the boundaries

later the walls on her close

anxious of everything around her

she is thoughtless and clueless

experiencing the circular insanity

she is almost sleepless!

crying for no reason for hours

swollen eyes avoid contact with all

unable to handle herself

quite often, she self-harms

the mirror reflects two faces  

a duel self is what controls hers

trying to understand who she is-

until she is diagnosed a ‘bipolar’!

month by month she has accepted

to vent out, talk, & be acquiescent

walking the road of counselling – 

she is treated with anti-depressants

she accepted to change herself 

and restart from the starting line

she walks with a vision of hope –

now everything ‘is perfectly fine’

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    Comments to: Once A Bipolar
    • […] psychological term, it is called Bipolar Disorder.  Environmental factors such as stress, sleep disruption, and drugs and alcohol may trigger mood […]

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