Life seem like an ocean where there is a continuous flow of waves that reflect our emotional state, our mind symbolizes the soft gushes of music that comes from the waters and our actions stand as an embodiment of the cluttering shells. It’s a crystallized view that is transparent like the clear sky and resonates our thoughts, emotions and behaviours. There is no human protagonist here, it’s only an imagination that surrenders and remains stagnant.

Such is the exemplary art of ‘Storytelling’- that dissolves in every walk to life and gives us the courage in forming self-expressions. Every day in life is like a story, and the foundations of storytelling dates back to thousands of years when cave dwellers embedded pigments to paint on tall walls by mere hands and created mythological wonders.

Ancient Greeks started carving their language on walls and narrated the history that also led others in finding ways through the caves. Taking us back to 30,000 years, there were paintings from the mountains of Southern France that absorbed their art and culture. These were the nonverbal gestures created to communicate about the language that had not been explored in written forms. Paintings had weapons carved out from nature signifying survival of the historical race. Ancient Greeks found mechanisms to apply instruments in carving messages on tombs and some were told orally. They were the first known civilization that developed story writing through poems.

Storytelling has tremendous psychological implications to subjective health and mental well-being. It teaches people about their own personal selves and also about others. This leads to personal and social development thereby integrating affective and social skills in the real-life scenario.

An educator, parent, counsellor, trainer or anyone in any spheres of life can blend the skills of narration to develop understanding, wisdom, respect, compassion within the developmental age groups and enhance a favourable attitude among individuals belonging to varied geographical spaces, ethnicity and faith. It initiates sharing of personal interpretations, character strengths, values and individuality in cultural groups. Storytelling makes the association of teaching and learning effective in interpersonal environments that give rise to authentic interpersonal stimuli.

As a psychologist working with youth through storytelling has stood out as the integral means that as professionals or caregivers we need to impact, educate, empower and inspire the young thinkers. Storytelling is a cyclical whirlpool that associates people and between people and ideas. Stories foster experiential explanation about scientific knowledge, relationships, feelings, or cognitions. And with every story that an individual hears, listens or reads it automatically forms cognitive and emotional connections that shape our perspectives of the world.

Positive psychological components like trust, compassion, and empathy increases through the techniques of storytelling. It motivates people to work in cohesion with others and favorably influences social behaviors. Regional language through the verbalization of stories binds the audience with simplicity and initiates grasping capacities.

Thus, practice the art of storytelling and anyone can become the narrator as no one can express other than the individual who have learnt his or her precious lessons through life. Ignite the skill of narration and create more storytellers in the community who may aspire others and build a strong chain of innovation and strength.


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